請幫忙翻譯成英文, 謝...急急

2012-08-08 3:49 pm
請先發樣品的相給我, 我們再確認給你是否需要寄出, 謝

回答 (3)

2012-08-08 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please send us a photo of the sample (product) first, we will then confirm if you need to send one to us or not. Thank you.如果多於一件便要改寫為(samples)和send (them)
2012-08-08 4:12 pm
We will confirm if we have to send the item out after receiving the sample shots from you. Thank you.
2012-08-08 4:11 pm
問題:請先發樣品的相給我, 我們再確認給你是否需要寄出, 謝

答案:Please sample to me, we reconfirm the need to be sent to you, thank

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