Ideas for pork meals other than pork chops and pork with apples?

2012-08-07 9:23 pm
i'm just trying to get some ideas of what else i can do with pork besides pork chops and including apples with pork. i've had some creations that included pork burritos with "fix-ins" in it, and i've also made an oriental-themed pork dish that was very good. But what might you be able to recommend? i'm looking for cheap, healthy, easy, and quick. Thanks in advance!

回答 (6)

2012-08-07 9:39 pm
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I like to pan grill pork fingers with some pineapple rings as it is a great combination, and in the grill pan you can edge grill the fingers and make some crackling.
Marinade them in pineapple juice
The pineapple will caramelize and offer another taste.
2012-08-07 9:24 pm
Pulled BBQ pork! Yummy!
2016-07-27 4:48 pm
Listed below are three extra approaches to make yummy pork chops: 1. Pork Chop Bulgogi - Bulgogi is a korean barbecue marinane, a variety of spicy soy sauce. Marinate it with onion and a few garlic. I like my pork chop with some epidermis hooked up. 2. Tongatsu - Fried breaded pork chop. Serve it with a eastern sauce called Bull dog (the nice); else any Tongatsu sauce will do. Three. Black Pepper Pork Chop. An additional favourite. There are some pre-made chinese language black pepper cooking sauces out there. 4. Shake and Bake Pork Chop. Combine to be had at most retailers, get the pork variety. Yummmmy!
2012-08-07 9:42 pm
Some of these are not quick but very easy to make. Pork usually requires a little time to cook nicely.
Marinated Spareribs.
A Sweet & Sour.
San Choy Bow
Chow Mein
Roast Pork Belly
Top chops with a creamy mushroom or mustard sauce.
2012-08-07 9:32 pm
if you want cheap, healthy, easy, and quick; make a salad.
2012-08-07 9:32 pm
If you like soup I have a delicious recipe.

Pork and Pepper Soup

Take one pound of pork loin and cut into small squares, 1/2 med. onion, 2 or 3 garlic cloves and many small peppers, I use some Jalapenos, Sweet Yellow, small pablano (about 8 to 10 total). Clean all the pits out of the peppers and slice in rounds. 2 Cans Swanson Chicken soup, and 1/4 pound flat egg noodles (or pasta of your choice.)

Saute the pork, add the onion, garlic and peppers. Season to taste, I use garlic salt and power, onion salt and power, black pepper, pinch of sugar. Season to your taste. Cook till the veggies are soft.

Add the soup once the veggies are soft and the pork is almost tan. Reduce heat and simmer.

Meanwhile, cook your pasta till it's almost done, but not soft. Then add it to the simmering soup. Cook another 5 minutes till the pasta absorbs a little soup for flavor.

Makes 4 large soup plates and is so good.
參考: Me.

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