英文求教 by beyond over 3個字的解釋和用法

2012-08-06 8:29 am
如題 by beyond over 3個字的解釋和用法

by 好多時出現在唔係passive vioce 句子中 點解? (要有例句

beyond 同over 經常係句子上出現 但唔明2個在句子中的定義同用處 (要有例句

求救 THZ

回答 (1)

2012-08-07 10:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

我嘗試將一D引發起相類畫面嘅句子 整合起來, 得出幾個(我覺得)尚算簡潔嘅用法, 或未盡完備

1) by
I will always stand by you.
He passed by me./ He walked by without making eye contact with me.
I am by your side.
a house by the sea
位置: 旁邊

We have to hand this in by next Monday
You should've finished it by now!

We cut the plastic sheets by scissors, not by knives.
We travel by bus.
We met by chance.
He did it by luck.

2) beyond
Can you see anything beyond the river?
She feels that the gold medal is simply beyond her reach.
What he has done so far is beyond my expectation. I am impressed!
You should go beyond the limit that you've set for yourself.
位置: 之外

3) over
You can't drink unless you're over 18.
Hey! See what's over our heads!
位置: 之上

She has been making some good progress over the last few weeks.
Do you need me to go over every point?
all over the world
a debate over some controversial issues
a bridge over troubled water
幅度: 跨過

She's over there.
Let's get him over.
Turn over the page.
He fell over./ He tripped over

You like over-doing everything.
I overestimated you.
程度: 過份

It's over between us! / We're over!
The game's over.
參考: Oxford Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary (用作verify我嘅觀點)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:53:37
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