do the bouquets at the olympics have a symbolic meaning ?

2012-08-05 9:00 pm
hi, i have noticed the flowers are roses and i assume the yellow represents gold medal the pinky/silvery the silver medal and the orange the bronze medal.
but the foliage i am stuck on. i know there is some ears of corn and about three or four other types of foliage. any ideas what they are, and if they have any meanings to their inclusion in the arrange. i know it doesn't really matter but these things always interest me. i can't find anything on the web that relates to this subject.

回答 (3)

2012-08-05 9:11 pm
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its the smells and texture of english garden and countryside.

like in the opening with the garden setting and farmland.
2012-08-06 4:12 am
There are 4 types of British rose in there, along with Lavender and mint, and wheat. It is suppose to re-create/represent an English garden.
參考: Claire Balding told me
2012-08-06 4:06 am
All I know is, they sure have gotten a lot smaller through the years!

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