
2012-08-05 11:39 pm

地方.in the park
時間.last monday
持續時間for a few day

回答 (3)

2012-08-07 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Positions of adverbs:

1. adverbs of certainty - e.g. probably, obviously,
~ immediately before the main verb
~ at the beginning of sentence

2. adverbs of degree -
a) premodifiers - e.g. very, extremely,
~ before the adjective or adverb they modify
b) intensifiers - e.g. just, almost, completely,
~ before the main verb

3. adverbs of manner - e.g. happily, slowly, quietly,
~ can be placed before or after the main verb, or even at the beginning of the sentence.

.4. adverbs of place - e.g. in the park, there,
~ after the main verb

5. adverb of frequency -
a) indefinite - e.g. usually, often, always, never,
~ before the main verb
b) definite - e.g. every week, daily,
~ after the main verb

6. adverb of time -
a) indefinite - e.g. finally, recently
~ before the main verb
b) definite - e.g. last Monday, yesterday, now, before dark,
~ after the main verb
~ mostly after the adverbs of place
c) duration - e.g. for a few days, during summer,
~ after the main verb
~ after the adverbs of place
~ before the definite adverbs of time

7. adverb of purpose -
e.g. She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
~ placed after the main verb
~ placed after all other adverbs

Orders of adverbs:

There is a basic order in which adverbs will appear when there is more than one in a sentence.

(1) At the beginning of the sentence:
a) disjunctive adverbs - e.g. suddenly, fortunately, obviously, in the mean time, never, rarely, ...
b) conjunctive adverbs - e.g. however, then, moreover, ...

(2) Subject

(3) adverbs of certainty / adverbs of degree (intensifier) / adverbs of frequency (indefinite) / adverbs of time (indefinite)

(4) Main verb

(5) adverbs of degree (premodifier)

(6) adverbs of manner

(7) adverbs of place

(8) adverbs of frequency (definite)

(9) adverbs of time

(10) adverbs of purpose

1. Mary was probably playing very happily in the park for a few hours last Monday.
2. Tom usually plays very happily in the park during summer holidays.
2012-08-06 10:01 pm
Those you put in your questions, some can be put at different position of a sentence.

e.g. 'Last Monday' most of the time will be put at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.
2012-08-06 4:42 am
An Attempt To Answer:-
As all adverb should always depend on a main clause. It is common to find yourself students to write according to your own sequence of ideas.No hard and fast rule demanded.
The common expression of various concepts using adverbs as sequence are:-
(1)Time,(2)Place,(3)Manner,(4)Reason,(5)Purpose,(6)Result,(7) Comparison and Contrast,(8)Condition,(9)Concession
According to the eg given,it would be:-
(1)Last Monday (9)for a few days (7)probably, (he as subject in main clause) will be (2)in the park,(8)usually (feeling as verb) (8) very (6)happily.

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