有關question tag 的用法

2012-08-05 10:02 am
1. Give me a glass of milk,________?

can't you

can I

don't you

will you

2. Have a cup of tea,___________?

won't you

can you

can't you

have you

回答 (3)

2012-08-05 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Question tags


1. Give me a glass of milk,___________?(意思是You will give me a glass of milk, _______________?)
A. can't you - 對,否定問法, 問題是叫人做事,要用won't you ?或can't you?
B. can I - 不對 - 肯定問法是錯的
C. don't you - 不對 ,問法錯誤,問題是叫人做事,要用won't you ?或can't you?
D. will you - 不對 - 肯定問法是錯的

2.Have a cup of tea,_________?(意思是You will have a cup of tea, ________?)
A. won't you - 對, 問人喝茶嗎? ,要用否定問法won't you?
B. can you - 不對 - 肯定問法是錯的
C. can't you - 不對 ,問法錯誤, 問人喝茶嗎? ,要用否定問法won't you?
D. have you - 不對 - 肯定問法是錯的

Question tags 用法:
You will give me a glass of milk, won't you?
You can give me a glass of milk, can't you?
You will have a cup of tea, won't you?
You can't give me a glass of milk, can you?
You won't give me a glass of milk, will you?
You won't have a cup of tea, will you?

2012-08-05 07:55:28 補充:
1. Give me a glass of milk,___________?(意思是You can/will give me a glass of milk, _______________?).....
2012-08-05 6:43 pm
Would you dare to make a fair copy correction by taking a chance,late time, from L's Correction:-(1) (You can/will) give me a glass of milk,can't you?
2012-08-05 10:49 am
1. (You can) Give me a glass of milk, can't you?

2. (You will) Have a cup of tea, won't you?

the basic structure is: statementquestion tag+
Positive statement,-
negative tag?Snow is white,isn't it?-
Negative statement,+
positive tag?You don't like me,do you?

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