句子問題 given

2012-08-06 3:12 am
" The figure given shows the birth rates of China and the USA between 1920 and2000.'
" Given are two column graphs comparing the rates of secondary and tertiary education among males and females in various different parts of the world.
第一句既'given'係咪形容詞? 第二句既係前置詞定noun?

咁就第二句既問題,過去分詞係咪可隨意同主詞調位? 咁就等於倒裝句? 係given做prepostion既情況下," Given the city was ruined through the storm, the mayor announces that the city is in state of emergency."岩唔岩? 同grammer有冇錯?


咁" Given are two column graphs comparing the rates of secondary and tertiary education among males and females in various different parts of the world. 有冇一個subject+verb+object既寫法

回答 (2)

2012-08-06 3:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
" The figure given shows the birth rates of China and the USA between 1920 and2000.'

" Given are two column graphs comparing the rates of secondary and tertiary education among males and females in various different parts of the world.
這裡的given也是過去分詞,當主詞補語,因為倒裝,所以才移到句子的最前面。倒裝的原因是主詞加上修飾語(comparing A and B)後太長,為免頭重腳輕,所以句子倒裝。

Given that conflict is inevitable, we rised to learn how to manage it.
這裡的given才是介系詞(preposition)的用法,given = because of

2012-08-06 08:58:29 補充:
" Given (that) the city was ruined through the storm, the mayor announces that the city is in state of emergency."
這裡的given = because of,是介系詞(前置詞 or preposition)的用法。因為不屬於分詞構句的用法,所以可以不考慮其主詞是否與主句相同的問題。
2012-08-06 5:49 am
咁就第二句既問題,過去分詞係咪可隨意同主詞調位? 咁就等於倒裝句?


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