what is wrong with me? [GIRLS ONLY]?

2012-08-04 2:08 pm
im 13 and for the past couple of days ive been getting really bad lower stomach pains and im constantly feeling bloated. last night the pain was so bad i felt i was going to be sick and i couldn't sleep. this morning i still had the stomach ache but it wasnt so bad. [this is really disgusting, by the way :( ] ive also been noticing ive been getting A LOT of discharge, and i mean A LOT. it has literally covered my underwear and it's disgusting. ive also got diarrhea as well but its not too bad. last night i did eat a lot of sweets and that could have triggered the bad stomach ache but im still getting them. im too embarrassed to tell my mum, i have told her about the stomach aches but that's about it. i feel really bloated and nauseous as well. im really scared what could be wrong with me? i would go to the doctor but that means i'd have to tell my mum but im too embarrassed to! please no horrible answers im really embarrassed to ask this question.

回答 (5)

2012-08-04 2:27 pm
I'm 14, and I hate stomach. I always feel that, and you should not eat too much,. especially sweets..
Give it time to recover..
2012-08-04 2:14 pm
Sounds like you are going to start your period.

Just make sure you take some sanitary towels with you for wherever you go.
I assume you haven't started your periods yet and this is definitely on the cards. So, take towels with you and make sure you have spare underwear too.
And don't wear white trousers.

Don't go anywhere you may not have access to a toilet. Your first period is weird and painful and gives you constant aches. Although pretty much every month is the same, but you will not know how heavy you may bleed. You could be a girl that has light periods and no issues or someone that bleeds through sanitary towels and goes through a pack a day.

Don't worry. Normal stuff.
And never be embarrassed to tell your Mum. She has been through all that before.
2012-08-04 2:13 pm
Sounds very much like you're about to get your period. DO NOT be embarrassed...it's just a period...every girl gets them it's totally natural. Your mum knows what's going on remember, she has them too. Get some panty liners and wear them everyday till you get your period, then move to pads and tampons when you get your period. You can wear panty liners everyday between periods but it's not necessary unless you're close to your next period...for that just in case it's early factor...
2012-08-04 2:13 pm
You're probably gettin your period soon, and most women have gone through this you're not alone, I remember being fourteen an so confused why I aaa in so much pain when I did nothing to trigger it.
Also if you can't deal with the discharge. There are thin innoticable panty liners available at target , Walmart. Etc

Answer mine?
2012-08-04 2:12 pm
Could just be a cross between a stomach bug and PMS.
Don't be embarrassed about your health. If you don't want your mum knowing then don't have her go in with you.
Doctors deal with this stuff everyday and worse. Nothing really phases them. :)

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