Are all relationships stress full?

2012-08-04 11:37 am
This boy I met in college likes me and I like him we been on one date to cinema and drink we kissed from then we seeing each other he has a job now he said before he had it h needed one for a gf but last night he txt me saying he don't want a relationship because they are stressfull and only wants fun for now so no body gets hurt. Are all relatioships stressfull?

回答 (12)

2012-08-04 11:43 am
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Well, it depends. If you like him and he really likes you, go for it. Because relationships aren't always stressful! They can be really relaxing, because having him with you, will relax you. You can go on walks through the park etc. and keep each others company, it's amazing. :) gOOD LUCK x
參考: Me:)
2012-08-04 2:53 pm
yes, love does.
2012-08-04 12:20 pm
When you're young it's easier to bounce back from a crap relationship and as you get older you'll find they'll lay more responsibility on you because they don't want left sitting on the shelf. Stressful is an understatement.
2012-08-04 11:59 am
Yep relationships are the most stressful thing EVER!!! It's unwanted stress which you probably don't need, have some fun :) xxx
2012-08-04 11:54 am
Yes they truly they are. I got stressed so badly that it affected my menstrual cycle. >_> Srry TMI.
2012-08-04 11:45 am
depends on the people in the relationship.
and yeah this 'stress' is not negetive always,it's very much good.
it's like a teacher .
so go for it,and lose the fear.
2012-08-04 11:42 am
more compatibility, less stress.
2012-08-04 11:41 am
Yes, all relationships require time and effort and are stressfull but it is worth it if you love them
2012-08-04 11:40 am
yes all relation ships are stressfull in different ways!
2012-08-04 11:40 am
To be honest, probably all relationships after high school are stress free

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