英文發音問題 URGENT!~

2012-08-05 6:59 am
1. 一句句子中..有時字既尾音會省略..可以點樣判斷佢應唔應該省略呢?
2. 讀英文要有高低起伏..但點知咩野字要大聲咩野字要輕聲?
3.係咪要讀the 時, 係咪次次都一定要伸舌..因為要講得快時..會好自然唔伸舌 同埋伸舌真係好唔方便



回答 (2)

2012-08-05 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1)借/買Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,
(3) 聽
(4) 模仿
(5) 錄自己音
(6) 嘲笑自己
(7) 改
你可以挑剔話0個個人唔係用緊conversation 嘅語氣ge, 話曬harry potter 係一本novel, 唔係一個talk/電視/劇集 嘅transcript

我諗唔洗聽曬成本書, 聽5分鐘你就會悟到多少少高低起伏大聲輕聲

haha, 至於伸舌唔伸舌,食唔食音, 其實講得快聽嗰個人都聽唔切啦。
尤其the this that then 呢d字唔會強調(stress咗),又短又輕, 唔好讀成一個好清晰嘅"d" 就大功告成。
不過注意: 有時d字尾嘅字lung住the this that then etc 會食咗個"th"
e.g. Great then! / I've heard that...
um...不過有時真係方唔方便/習慣嘅問題, 冇話呢d情況一定需要食左/一要要好清晰

哈哈哈! 你嘅朋友好好笑,對你好老實

2012-08-04 23:58:12 補充:
呢條link 有全本harry potter & the philospher's stone 嘅audio track

之前俾你嗰條link 嘅嗰個channel 有好多其他audiobook
2012-08-05 9:12 am
-----A Guide To English pronunciation URGENT!-------
The Response:-
(1)The end intonation's pronunciation (n) articulates according to (ipa).
(2)In a sentence the unpronounceable (adj) end should be pronounced (v) unnoticably or to public.
(3)Try to pronounce (v) the words "the,this,that" (0=th) to your speech-training friends.
Introducing Google website duplicated,I teach you English pronunciation here.
When you pronounce something you try to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way;that's why your friends laugh at you. Very few students can pronounce your name or reading correctly. Try to pronounce your opinion with sounds or words that can be pronounced until they won't laugh at you.
You must be able to listen,to speak,read or write Eng fluently, easily and well with this "hard" and "on the target" website declared..
If you speak Eng fluently,your friends will not laugh at you,but (THEY) will help you to speak fluently! Practice makes perfect is the saying.

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