
2012-08-04 10:28 pm
我系香港2012 DSE考生。台灣東海大學環境科技與工程已經收左我,但我最想是在台灣讀獸醫,然後在香港執業。


問題很多- -但希大家能盡力解答問題,希望對台灣升學理解更多,因為9月就開學,還有很多事情沒想定...拜托!!

回答 (2)

2012-08-19 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
2012-08-07 8:37 am
You don't even know what you want, you havw to make up your mind which major you want to go for. Looks like you are going in a circle. Taiwan University, of course they teach in Chinese, Veterinarian is not a easy subject. Hong Kong do not have Veterinarian School, therefore, you are able to practice after graduated from Vet School of Taiwan. Whether you are able to transfer to Taiwan University, you have to look up their transfer requirement. The last question regarding the Enviromental Science and Engineering programme should be OK. None of the Hong Kong University offer this programme, you should be OK too, but the job market is very limited (very narrow).

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:53:53
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