
2012-08-04 5:05 am
What will I do during the summer hotilday?

100-200 word

回答 (1)

2012-08-04 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
what will you do during the summer holiday?

(asking you in the future tense---> your holiday plan before it has started)

I will try to improve my English and boost my sense of responsibility. The latter is especially important as summer holiday marks the point of our personal growth. And as we grow older, our responsibility grows larger.

Helping my mum do the dishes, do the laundry and sweep the floor, and offering massages to my dad after work will realise my eagerness to be a more independent and responisble self. Of course, a sense of responsibility will also be cultivated through trying my best in doing homework on my own. I have a good strategy for this. Reading sample writings from the internet, marking down the good points, jotting down good vocabulary, or even asking experienced people to proofread my writings, will let me know my mistakes immediately, without waiting for my future English teacher to correct me when school starts in Semptember. Of course, the problem would be that the flow of information in the internet is too rich for me to tell which part of the information is good or right. But this is an opportunity for me to train my analytical thinking.

The plan I mentioned above can improve my English and boost of sense of responsibility at the same time. I hope after the summer holiday, I will have my English greatly improved and sense of responsibility strengthened.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:53:50
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