英文 文法

2012-08-04 4:48 am
邊个对 1.I eat apple without2.I without eat apple

回答 (2)

2012-08-04 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

I didn't eat the apple.

"我唔食蘋果" (表示習慣/口味)
I don't eat apples. / I don't like apples.

"我唔要食蘋果" (表示你lee刻唔想做d乜乜乜)
I don't want apples. / I don't want to eat apples.

I don't want the apple. / I don't want to eat the apple.

I go shopping without my mum.
We cannot live without water.
Life is meaningless without love.
We will not be healthy without eating vegetables.

唔好用translator/ google translate etc.
2012-08-08 2:32 am
I eat apple without peeling off its skin.
I haven't eaten the apple.
My lunch does not have apple.
I do not eat apple.

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