小學英文作文.可以俾D意見??- -

2012-08-03 11:33 pm

Most of the people were love in the world. That was a very useful and helpful
for our life.

We usually listened music whatever we had been. Some people could used
that to earn money. Some People could sang a song in the street for the
money or they just wanted to show their ability to win some admiration. Some
people were got in a temper after work or some bad things and they could went
to KTV to express emotion. Some people were stayed at home listened the music
to pass the time in holidays. There were many methods or ways to show music
were really popular in the world.

I was also love music. Some singer sang a wonderful song who was look ugly
but i was just love their song. They also got great admiration.

回答 (3)

2012-08-04 9:24 am
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there is a lot of people in this world love music .

we always listened to music every where we go.and some people a rich because of music . and some poeple sing song on the street to earn money .but it not all about money because some people are just want to show their talent to the world.

some people use music to relax .some people use music to pass time .

i love music too.all i want to say is music is a great thing and music it has become a thing that people in this world can't live without ...

參考: 自己
2012-08-04 11:39 pm
留意詞性, 否則笑大人個口
love 可以係verb / noun
你話most of the people were love = 大部份人 都是 愛(noun)

亂加verb-to-be ( is/am/are/was/were):
some people were got in a temper
some people were stayed at home
i was also love music
some singer was look ugly
i was love their song
以上全錯, 查字典找每隻字的詞性+例句(如何用這個字)

2012-08-03 11:46 pm
咩叫'Most of the people were love in the world.'=..=
'Most people love music.'咁就得,有好多不必要既都刪左,
想多D字就 'Most of the people in the world love music.'
跟住第2句都唔知你講咩,subject noun係咩都搞唔清,
'That is very useful in our life.'

2012-08-03 15:49:27 補充:
第2句,應該係'Some people will play music to earn money.'

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