Why does iTunes genius consider rock bands such as Linkin Park, U2 and Foo Fighters pop?

2012-08-01 9:07 am
I really like iTunes genius but I'm a bit confused as to why it considers rock bands such as Linkin Park, U2, Foo fighters and many others as part of pop music over rock, anyone actually know????

回答 (6)

2012-08-01 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
iTunes is horrible with genres, also some of their songs especially newer Linkin Park have songs that mix with pop very alot, since the big money is going into the pop genre.
2012-08-01 9:11 am
Because a lot of people listen to them. Pop=Popular.
Your logic is flawed.
2012-08-01 9:24 am
I thought it was a common consensus that iTunes sucks at labeling genres.
2012-08-01 9:12 am
Because some of their songs are pretty close to pop I guess
2012-08-01 12:53 pm
cause they're popular
2012-08-01 11:03 am
because they blow c0ck

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