
2012-08-01 6:22 pm

回答 (2)

2012-08-01 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. No.

2. Proof of retirement is not required.

3. Yes - it depends on your luck. The Consulate is not obligated to provide interpretation to you. You may get someone who know how to speak English only.

Some denials in the past deal with the English ability.

Your issue is - you are visiting your children (if I am correct). So you may be interpret as you have intention to immigrate.

If it is the case - simply tell them the truth that you have no intend to immigrate but simply just want to visit them and come back. The Consulate should have no issue in approving the visa.
2012-08-01 7:55 pm
如屬退休人士, 又有物業又儲蓄. 申請旅遊簽證應絕冇問題既. 但最好都係帶齊晒資料去 la. 因交左申請費用, 批唔批都冇得退. 咁梗係一次過 ok 好 la.

月結單 - 正副本我都會帶去. 以防佢想收起一份副本作紀錄嘛 入到美國領事館, 手提呀各樣要放低 ka. 又唔會提供影印服務比你. 故自己影定一份穩陣 D lak.

樓契之類, 副本都 ok. 冇人會帶住份正本. 唔見左點算.....而且好多人有物業, 但未供晒 ka ma. 樓契都係銀行道. 故副本都接受.

最後, 有中國人櫃台的. 唔識英文可指定去中文櫃台.

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