What is a female orgasm like?

2012-08-01 1:52 am
I know many will find this an embarrassing question to answer, and another many will probably believe this question is immature. That being said, I have heard many people, over the internet and at school about how a female orgasm is nothing like a male orgasm, in terms of pleasure and feel. So my question, what does a female orgasm feel like? This question does not have any true reason behind it, other than I would like to know, for further experiences and perhaps more understanding of girls/women in the future.

Thankyou for answering.

An additional detail, if you can please describe a female orgasm, that would be extremely helpful. Thankyou.

回答 (6)

2012-08-01 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I believe the woman's orgasm is more stronger and lasts longer then the male's. If you hit her G-spot then it can be the most wonderful orgasm she has had in a long time.

I hoped I helped! Please answer my question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjercwUuNQdQcgk6I1Swav3ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120730185429AALuCOi

Thanks :D
2012-08-01 9:12 am
It does not just happen in the clitoris as someone else here said. I think Stephanie gave a pretty good description. I feel spasms all the way to my toes.
2012-08-01 8:57 am
It's quite a complex cocktail of intense emotions and physiological twitchings and pulsations, so to explain it fairly is a task for the ages.

First, the majority of her muscles will either numb up considerably or spasm involuntarily. Secondly, the neuronal pathways to her genitals will garner many times the cognitive attention as the intensity grows and grows, almost like a rising tide, washing THROUGH rather than over her. It's normal at this point for additional lubrication to slick up the process incredibly quickly. Lastly, her heartbeat will reach a fever pitch, her vocal chords will begin to release indecipherable emissions of mindless pleasure, and she will quickly lose all control AS HER PU*SSY MUSCLES TENSE UP, RELEASE MOMENTARILY AND NATURE'S ALL-ENCOMPASSING SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA BELT OUT BEETHOVEN'S NINTH.

That's what female orgasm feels like.
2012-08-01 8:59 am
we dont have the words to describe it --- im a male and how do you describe a male orgasm??? --- to me a female orgasm is a lot more intense than a males because there are (at least) two pleasure points simulated during sex ---- so ill never know what it feels like
2012-08-01 8:57 am
Same as a male orgasm. Except, make it much more concentrated. Because instead of it happening throughout the tip of the penis, it happens in the clitoris. Which, if you've ever seen one, is VERY small
參考: It has the same amount of nerve endings as the entire tip of the penis. Very very concentrated. I'm a lil jelly.
2012-08-01 8:54 am
Extremely good.

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