How would I go about getting a student visa?

2012-07-31 1:17 pm
I'm English, planning on going to America just before I turn 17, and I hope to stay there until I turn 19 at the earliest, to go to high school, but I may want to get a green card and live in America afterwards.
But that's besides the point. I've got a few years to go before I plan on doing this.
How would i go about it?
I have no family in the US, and it's just me who's planning to go out there (i am looking for a host family as well)
I know it's possible, so don't say that it's not!!!

回答 (3)

2012-07-31 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You will not be allowed into the US at age 17 unless your parents are moving to the US with you, or you are enrolling in a US boarding school. If you went to a US boarding school, you'd need to pay fees and tuition, which will be substantial.

There are some study abroad programs for high school students. You normally can only do them for one year, but you can look into that. That would get you into the US, into a US high school, and living with a host family.

It would be next to impossible for someone right out of high school to get a US green card. You have no skills or education that would benefit the US. You instead would either need to go to a US university so you can get a student visa, or you'd need to return home. If you went to a US uni, you'd need to find a way to pay for it, since US unis offer little-to-no funding to foreign students. And then after uni, unless you'd studied something in high demand in the US, you'd need to return home.
2012-07-31 10:19 pm
As a minor, you will need a parent to move with you. What you want to do, just come here alone, isn't going to happen.
2012-07-31 10:45 pm
All you need is money

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