請問要求開立debit note 中翻英 mail

2012-08-01 6:24 am

"由於製成品自6/25後開立工單正式生產,A原料存貨在6/25經盤點後,導入存貨帳之入庫數量為100 ,其中在6月裡已向貴公司購入60 ,其餘40則在6月之前已經以
sample expenditure的方式開立invoice向貴公司抵銷account payable,所以關於這部份想向請求開立debit note作為原料存貨的入庫成本"


回答 (2)

2012-08-01 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Because products six-twenty fifths open work orders after production, after six-twenty fifths, a raw material inventory in inventory, import stock ledger reporting-as-finished quantity is 100, which in June, has your company purchased 60, the remaining 40 per cent in June, prior toSample expenditure open offset account payable invoice to your company, so that some would like to request the opening of debit note, as stocks of raw materials warehousing costs "

Manufacturing production open work orders
Reporting-as-finished quantity"Because products six-twenty fifths open work orders after production, after six-twenty fifths, a raw material inventory in inventory, import stock ledger reporting-as-finished quantity is 100, which in June, has your company purchased 60, the remaining 40 per cent in June, prior toSample expenditure open offset account payable invoice to your company, so that some would like to request the opening of debit note, as stocks of raw materials warehousing costs "

Manufacturing production open work orders
Reporting-as-finished quantity
2015-04-29 8:20 am
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●九州 娛樂 網站 http://ts777.cc

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