english in use

2012-07-31 5:49 am
1.Deter 或 avert 呢啲vt可否加from用?
ie. deter sb. from doing sth.

2.in addition to 可否當except用?

3.There are two sentence bellow
'six ot them are in critical condition'
'Of whom six are in critical condition'
Are they the same?

4.these color match up very nicely這句對嗎?

5.'they left not only artefacts but also written evidence from which their history could be deciphered.'
這句点解用from which

回答 (1)

2012-07-31 10:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Deter 或 avert 呢啲vt可否加from用?
ie. deter sb. from doing sth.
2.in addition to 可否當except用?
yyy except xxx意思是:所有都是yyy,除了…後面所講的xxx,所以是yyy not xxx.如果是xxxx, in addition to yyy意思是:除此(前述的東西xxx)…還加(埋)以下的yyy,所以是xxx and yyy所以不是相同意思的。可能有時因中文的理解用詞誤會:except是「除了…之外…都是…」,in addition to可能會被說成「除此之外…還有…都是」
3.There are two sentence bellow
'six of them are in critical condition'
'Of whom six are in critical condition'
Are they the same?差不多,主要意思是有六個人嚴重受傷細微的表達six of them極可能是全部總共就是6個人(但要看前文事件中還有多少人)of whom six意思是總共有超過6個人,只有其中6個人嚴重受傷[這寫法肯定事件中超過6個人]

4.these color match up very nicely這句對嗎?Match up你有否查字典/詞典意思…配合(一般意思是一個凹一個凸那種狀態)那麼你自己說可否用來形容顏色的「配搭」。還有these是眾數,colour(s)就要加s,然後你從多色來想要用個甚麼動詞來表達配搭…(注意英語要求較為具體的動詞…那些顏色是對比/和諧/柔順/分明/凸出/…那一種配搭/或配合甚麼?

5.'they left not only artifacts but also written evidence from which their history could be deciphered.'
這句点解用from which 凡見到from which, of whom, by which 等等的conjunction, which是指前面所講的「死物」,即是written evidence (一般只是前述緊接那一樣東西),from是preposition來連繫那東西跟後面的子句(名詞-動詞…)這句意思是由這些written evidence(文字) [和artifacts]才可以翻譯/詮釋出他們的歷史由於想表達是歷史如何發掘和理解是要「由」那些文字記錄/遺跡作為起始才能研究出來。如果是用前面的xxx作為工具來成就後面的事,就會用xxx, by which yyy is done/achieved…如果後面yyy是附加解釋或形容前面的xxx,就會寫xxx, of which yyy. 這些只是規則上的例句,還有其他proposition(例in which/whom...)

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