Can I Please Have Some Funny Speech Starters?

2012-07-28 10:03 am
my speech is about laughter

i need something funny to start off my speech

it is important that your ideas arent based on anything too specific or are related to speeches and/or laughter, and the content isnt something mature and is easly understandable, aswell ideas arent too long

im 13

thanks beforehand, and sorry for putting such restrictions.

also, is it against answers rules to post a question multiple timese if you dont get the answer

回答 (2)

2012-07-28 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
How about "make sure that bedroom's clean, or else!" Then something on the lines of "well, it's our duty isn't it?" You could even then say something about making sure it's done at the last minute so that it looks spotless, (hasn't had time to accumulate anything on show).

I don't think you can repeat the question so delete this one first and then try again. (I think).
2012-07-28 8:36 pm
whats heavy enough to break the ice? a polar bear

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