Does karma truly exists?

2012-07-27 8:04 pm
I have been stepped on and hurt very much by people who have power. They have taken advantage of their position to humiliate me. I can't afford an attorney, and maybe my case wouldn't even make it to court. But they took advantage and jeopardized my profession. I don't know what to do. It's hard to stop the pain inside me. It hurts so much. And the only thing I wish is that God and Karma truly exists in order for them to suffer the same thing I did.

回答 (12)

2012-07-27 8:08 pm

karma is just a reason for man to do good, because they will get something in return. in other words, they only care about karma.
2012-07-27 8:05 pm
don't know, but I'd rather do good than not anyway...
2012-07-27 8:08 pm
Yes it does. Some get it right away and for others it takes awhile.
2012-07-27 8:07 pm
The Sanskrit word "karma" means "activity." Seems to exist virtually everywhere.

Now, whether the "good" or "bad" qualifiers people attach to the word have any basis is a different, and more difficult question.
2016-10-14 3:41 pm
i think of karma does exist. each and every time somebody does solid they continuously get rewarded some way or yet another. whilst human beings do undesirable issues undesirable issues take place to them confident, maybe no longer maximum appropriate now yet later on via some ability they gets punished or taught their lesson. remember you will possibly no longer see them getting injury yet on the top everybody gets what they deserve. an magnificent tale is of Al Gore. He continuously did issues for our environment and tried to convey international warming into everybody thoughts. And he succeeded. via doing this great deed, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. :-)
2012-07-27 8:33 pm
Read some where that when people hurt you that one must release the pent up anger in your body by forgiving that person and praying for him.. l started to do just that when l had to pull my pickup on the side of the road and throw up. It was that repulsive for me to pray for someone who really hurt me but l did it and all the anger, bad feelings etc vanished and l got my life back. l still pray for that person for something that happened over 20 years ago..
2012-07-27 8:24 pm
In 1980, a woman, Catherine, was being hypnotized by psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss as a solution to her uncontrollable anxiety and nightmares. Unexpectedly, while under hypnosis, Catherine began to narrate events from a previous lifetime and convey messages from the "in between lives" state. These are some of the messages she relayed while under hypnosis:

“There are different levels of learning, and we must learn some of them in the flesh. We must feel the pain. When you're in physical state in the flesh, you can feel pain; you can hurt. In spirit form you do not feel pain; there is only happiness, a sense of well-being.”

"We all must learn certain attitudes while we're in physical state. CHARITY, HOPE, FAITH, LOVE - we must all know these things and know them well."

"Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. We know so little. By knowledge we approach God, and then we can rest. Then we come back to teach and help others."

Many Lives Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss

"We have no right to abruptly halt peoples' lives before they have lived out their karma. They will suffer greater retribution if we let them live. When they die and go to the next dimension, they will suffer there. They will be left in a very restless state and they will be sent back, but their lives will be very hard. They will have to make up to those people that they hurt for the injustices that they did against them.”

Many Lives Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss
2012-07-27 8:08 pm
Harm cause pain and death.

Care causes pleasure and life.

BIOLOGY as you know so well, from spending so much time in school learning simple subjects that take a dull-witted moron five minutes to learn on the net. YES YES YES it must be karamic.
2012-07-27 8:08 pm
No, but what you do attracts consequences, whether you consider them good or bad. It doesn't hurt to be nice.
2012-07-27 8:07 pm
I think so.

The largest side effects of Karma. Whether you go to Heaven or Hell depending on how good you were in life.
2012-07-27 8:07 pm

Yes, it is nothing more than the universe seeking balance that happens whether or not you believe it.
2012-07-27 8:06 pm
If Karma does exist then maybe you are being punished for something you did wrong.......

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