Catholic Opinions on "the end times"?

2012-07-27 2:39 pm

回答 (6)

2012-07-27 2:47 pm
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No "opinions", but the teaching of the Church, which is guaranteed true by its founder Jesus Christ, is that Christ will come again in glory and majesty, at which time He will take to heaven all those who are living in accord with God's will, after which the bodies of the deceased will rise and ascend to Heaven as He Himself did, and the physical universe will cease to exist.
2012-07-27 2:42 pm
We believe in the Second Coming of Christ, since He promised that he would return someday. We dont believe in the rapture or the Antichrist though. The Left Behind series isnt good theology.
參考: Catholic
2012-07-27 2:45 pm

We are cautioned not to fret and worry about the end times. God could call our names any day so we must be prepared to meet him on a day by day basis. I could be in a fatal car accident, have a heart attack let alone shot by some lunatic in a mall or theater as we saw last week in Colorado. At that point it is the end of the world for us so all that previous time worrying about these anti - Christ scenarios was really in vain don't you think?


Michael Kelly (RC)
2012-07-27 3:13 pm
They're mighty "endy".
2012-07-27 2:54 pm
St. Matthew 23 v 9 says not to call 'priests' "Father". To expect Christ's Second Coming has one wonder why this 'defiance'.
參考: A.K.J.V..
2012-07-27 2:41 pm
Catholics are generally amillennialism

edit - really? 4 thumbs down for a correct answer?

if you dont understand the difference between premillennialism and amillennialism then you have some serious studing to do. you should know both sides of the views.

personally, I am not catholic but I also believe the amillennialism position.

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