HK ID CARD(RENEW!!) Thanks...

2012-07-27 7:24 pm let me described my situation here...
I was born in Canada, and when I was 2 years old , me and my family moved to HK and it was before 1997... so i got my ID card(under 11) +BNO and I lived in HK until 2006 which in that time period , i was only 11 (My B-day was in DEC, so technically i am 12 if you only considered the year of my birth) and i haven't renew myID (11+)card .... and now because i am going to be 18 in this DEC which means that i have to renew my ID card into the adult one .......and i was wondering if i don't renew it ... will the gov cancel my ID card and my citizenship because i wasn't born in HK and the fact that i did not renewed BOTH of my ID card ...I tried to called the immigration office but no one answered the phone......PS: I mom was born in HK... but i don't know will that help because i am going to be 18 sooon..
and i am currently in Toronto,Canada...............
I also would like to know could I renew my ID card in Canada without going back to HK??????

Can someone please tell me where could i find help and a number that someone will answer my questions.

THX alot .....…^^

回答 (1)

2012-07-28 10:50 pm
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