LG p705(L7)手機被鎖(急用)

2012-07-27 6:00 am

回答 (1)

2012-07-27 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果沒有google account解鎖的話
只有hard reset(清曬所有野)
1. When the phone is switched off, press and hold the "Volume down" key + "Power"*key with your left hand.
2. When the LED on the bottom of the phone lights up, touch and hold the Menu key with your right hand. You need to do this immediately, before the screen displays the LG logo. Make sure your left hand is still holding the Volume down and Power keys. Then release the power key at vibration time.
3. When the LG logo is displayed on the screen, continue to hold the keys for around 2 seconds, and then release all them at the same time, before the LG logo disappears. Leave your phone for at least a minute while the hard reset is carried out. You will then be able to switch your phone back on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 00:11:15
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