
2012-07-26 11:49 pm
我知有些字是要 double 某些字,eg:swim -swimming..佢的規律是怎樣??





回答 (2)

2012-07-27 11:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
One syllable words 單音字

Double the final consonant when the last two letters of a word are a single vowel letter (a, e, i, o, u) followed by a consonant letter.

get – getting ( e 是 vowel, t 是 consonant )
swim –swimming ( i 是 vowel, m 是 consonant )
plan – planning ( a 是 vowel, n 是 consonant )

Do not double the consonant if the vowel is written with two letters (兩個 vowel一起)
look = looking, float – floating, eat - eating

The letters w and y count as vowels when they come after a vowel. So there is no doubling in these cases.
Blow – blowing, sew – sewing, grow – growing, row – rowing
Play – playing, pay – paying, say – saying, buy – buying

Never double on x.
Box – boxing, tax – taxing, vex - vexing

Two- or three- syllable words: 雙音字, 三音字

Double the final consonant as in one syllable word, if the last vowel in the word is stressed (as in (A) bellow), but not if it is unstressed (as in (B) bellow)

(A) admit – admitting (“mit” is stressed 重音, not “ad” )
begin –beginning (“gin” is stressed, not “be”)
occur – occurring (“cur” is stressed, not “oc”)
prefer – preferring (“fer” is stressed, not “pre”)

(B) develop – developing (“ve” is stressed, not “lop”)
enter – entering ("en” is stressed, not “ ter”)
visit – visiting (“vi” is stressed, not “sit”)

slow - slowing
slay - slaying
relax - relaxing
參考: A-Z English Grammar & Usage
2012-07-26 11:59 pm
一個英文的尾二的字是a,e,i,o,u Ing時都要將尾字double
但如英文的尾二和尾三的都是a,e,i,o,u Ing時就不用將尾字double
好easy架咋,加油(your homework^^)
參考: 自己

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