
2012-07-26 9:31 pm

回答 (6)

2012-07-26 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Due to an additional(額外)shipping cost (運費), we would appreciate if you could as well pick up (負責)the difference(差價).
2012-08-04 10:03 pm
you can say : Lack of shipping so please supply us the freight.
2012-07-27 1:09 am
Write in one sentence only,which is sufficient:-
Please pay extra for your goods on delivery due to size of goods!
參考: google translate
2012-07-26 11:30 pm
Given the following situation: Your customer requested goods to be delivered from A to B, your company charged less due to misquoting the delivery cost. The delivery cost is based on the size of the goods. Please write a message to the customer to request make up the amount short. Write in English, one sentence is sufficient.

2012-07-26 15:32:50 補充:
001 Google的翻譯真是嘆為觀止,肯定不是原文意思

假如有一個情況是你的多個客戶希望把貨物由A點運送往B點,但他們收少了(貨)並把錢留下給了兩邊的客戶,理由是貨運部門[假設叫Department of Freight]以物件的大小定價,並且要求你退回比客戶更知道的[不知甚麼],叫做排水渠注滿去退回金錢給公司要比較我[不知比較甚麼]。
2012-07-26 10:02 pm
Come to freight supplies ,because of lack of freight.

2012-07-26 14:14:15 補充:
Lack of shipping so please supply us the freight.

2012-07-26 9:50 pm
If there is a situation where your customers want a cargo from point A to be delivered to point B, but they received less left customers both money, reasons for the Department of freight to the size of the object to pricing, and ask you to return than the customer know,called drainage fill to return the money to the company than I

參考: google翻譯

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