
2012-07-26 7:05 am

我見到這個點擊網說$5(不知什麼幣)一個點擊, 認為是很多, 我不知是否呃人或是要收費才能取錢, 所以請問大家!

回答 (1)

2012-07-26 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
這個網叫: ptc investigation

FiveAClick is a scam and will be added to the Not Recommended List and here are the combined reasons why:

1. Bogus Rates Per Click - $5 per click is not stable and just a bogus rate created by the admin to lure in victims to his scam. No one pays $5 per click and you will not earn large sums of money by completing simple tasks like clicking on a link. Stay away from sites that offer dollars per click they are nothing more than scams.

2. Owner runs several scam sites - We can find several online schemes being ran by this owner. "twodollarsaclick" is one these sites and it too is a non-paying site.

3. No Forum - They wont be paying so don't expect to see a forum.

4. 85 business days?!! - They claim it takes 85 business days to pay. Which says a lot about their site. They don't have the money and they are just stalling so your chance to file a dispute against them will have already expired.

5. Email Harvesting - At the time of this review the site registration page sends you to a form from aweber.com that asks for your name and email address. Once you enter it then you will be directed to the signup page for the site that will ask once again for your email. Which leads me to believe the first page is being used to collect email addresses. If you plan on using this site use a junk email and do not give your name to this site.

文章FROM: http://www.ptc-investigation.com/fiveaclick.aspx

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