I feel like I am not as good as others?

2012-07-25 7:45 am
Hi there,
I am from Hong Kong and studying in Australia.
I take a law degree at uni and have been feeling inferior as I feel like am not doing as good as other students.
They are all talkative, presentable, out-going native Australians and always come up with brilliant ideas in class.
I am not an English native speaker, sometimes scared to speak up in class. (Although I am able to handle 99% of what they say, I'm still scared)
I always want to be an good English user (at least can clearly express my thoughts clearly without feeling nervous or anxious) however as I exposure more and more in that stressful atmosphere, I feel like I'm not going to get to that level.

回答 (2)

2012-07-25 4:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It appears your feeling of inferiority is all about your English abilities. If you're concerned I recommend getting yourself into situations where you can improve your language skills. This will make you more confident with speaking, listening etc, and therefore feel less inferior.

Examples would be like:
- Join a club
- Make new friends who have English as a first language
- Maybe find a place where you can get involved with public speaking or debating (skills that would help in a law career)
- Even just book some one-on-one time with a university lecturer/tutor and have a chat with them about what interests you in law. It's a good way to make a connection while practicing your English.

Good luck :)
2012-07-25 2:51 pm
You shouldn't feel inferior in anyway, if anything you should be proud that you can speak multiple languages. Even if you are struggling don't give up because it sounds like you are getting a great opportunity. Also, don't be afraid to make a mistake, because te est way to learn is through failure. Hope this gives you a little self confidence.

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