What do you think of my photography album?

2012-07-24 7:28 pm
I am an amateur photographer. Please let me know what you think of my work.

回答 (6)

2012-07-24 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Would you care to provide a link?
2012-07-28 4:56 am
It still sucks. Just like it did last time you asked.
2012-07-25 7:16 am
Is this you?


Still very beginnerish. Lots of composition shortcomings with empty space, lack of subject and centered subjects. Nice color on the golden Oregon coast shot. I like some of them in terms of texture and form. Keep at it and happy shooting.
2012-07-25 5:12 am
need link hun
2012-07-25 3:34 am
My crystal ball is not working today.

2012-07-25 2:43 am
Where is a link to it ?

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