what age did you have your first love?

2012-07-24 3:57 pm
I'm 14 years old girl, and never been in love with a boy, I'm almost 15 years old. Because I don't like those boys. I want to know a boy from other country, cause i'm not study in the international school, so I can know them as easy, what time will I meet them? what age did you have your first love? Is over 14 normal? I searched those singer's fist love, they were 15, Such as Taylor Swift. But I think I won't cause I don't know them, and don't know how to know them.

回答 (9)

2012-07-24 9:40 pm
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I'm 14 too turning 15 in the end of the month (29th)
but I think I'm in real love and sometimes I think I'm not
I live in country wich is not connected with girls
2012-07-24 11:12 pm
20!! Relax and enjoy it all:) it will come just have fun :)
2012-07-24 11:09 pm
I was 18 got engaged to the guy and planned my whole life with him. Things didn't work out and nearly 2 years on i fell in love for the second time. I know that it is love because one day you will meet a guy who will make you realise why none of your other relationships worked out. You think about the person 24/7 and when you are doing something you wish they were there with you even if it something mundane like watching a tv show. However, the way i can tell with this second one is because i had a dream that his ex came into the store where we work together (they were together for 4 years) and she knew all the little things about him like whether he has his toast in triangles or squares etc. i know it sounds stupid but that dream scared me more than anything and it made me realise i wanted to know all of those details. When you are in love everyone else around you knows before you do.
參考: experience
2012-07-24 11:06 pm
Well it was never true love but I had mine when I was 8
2012-07-24 11:05 pm
Ive yet to be in love
2012-07-24 11:05 pm
Yes over 14 is normal. Most people you know haven't found their first love.

All these people who say "I've been dating since I was 12" aren't regular people.

I met my first love when I started college...I was 18 so don't freak out.
2012-07-24 11:04 pm
The first crush I've had was in kinder garden, when I was around 4. The funny fact, that guy ended up to the same elementary school, even in the same class as me. I've had a crush on him all that time and didn't let any girls come close to him. He knew I loved him, yet he had a crush on me at the same time. But we were kids. So from my age of 4 till the age of 14 I've been in love with him. Then we chose different high school and that split us up.
But my first boyfriend was from Germany, it was Internet love. It lasted 2 months or so. Since then I kept dating online. Always will.
2012-07-24 10:59 pm
I'm 22 and I'm with my first love
2012-07-24 11:01 pm
I started dating in the 6th grade, at the age of 12. I could say he was my first love (: Out of the country will be hard, because you don't know if he'll be trustworthy or not, or if he's lying to your or not. Just saying.

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