Mars in Capricorn and anger?

2012-07-24 3:23 am
What do they do when they're really mad? I know not all of them do the same things, I just want to see if there will be a common method. Thank you.

回答 (2)

2012-07-25 11:47 pm
Hmmm, it's a good question. I feel like Mars in Capricorn would tend to suppress their anger for a long time but when they explode, they explode (I've heard this about Mars in Taurus too ... it can take Mars in these stodgy, "patient" earth signs a lot to get worked up, but when they're buttons are finally pressed too hard ... watch out!:)

As the sign of ambition, hard work, reputation, career ... anger may look like brazen manipulative tactics to gain power over someone else. Negatively, Mars in Capricorn may go for the jugular (metaphorically) ... stuffy, overly concerned with their reputation and control, they could either ice people out or get ambitious about their vengeance and humiliate those who cross them or threaten their "position."

There's a certain mafioso vibe to Mars in Cap. Of course, not all people with Mars in Cap are nuts or that cruel ... but the tricky thing about Cap is their ability to completely shut down their emotions (which doesn't always make for fair fighting). Hopefully the person in question has enough good sense to not go postal (and yes, they won't all do the same things) but good luck to the person who locks horns with these quiet but formidable enemies.
2016-02-23 8:18 am
To answer that one needs to know what aspects are made to your degree. You can also check to see when the retrograde turns direct in your chart. (or when it will) The year Mars goes direct is usually a notable change. Just subtract the # of days in between your birth date and the date it turns Direct. The number of days is expressed as years. Example" If there are 28 days between the dates then it correlates to the 28th year!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:06:07
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