1 month female dog feeding problems?

2012-07-23 3:06 pm
Well,I just bought a new dog,female,1month old. I just don't know how to feed her? She's having milk all the day but I'm not informed if milk is the proper food for her(now). Need help please??!

回答 (6)

2012-07-23 3:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You just got a dog from a CRAP BREEDER is what you just did.

No good breeder sells someone a 1 month old puppy and it's illegal in some areas to do so.

Take it back to the crap breeder or owner you got the dog from. If you don't know how to properly feed a puppy of this age, why the hell did you get one? Or in this case, begin weaning.
2012-07-23 3:14 pm
That puppy should still be with its mother.
2012-07-23 3:29 pm
Your problems stem from the fact that your puppy was taken from it's mother two months too early. Ideal age is 12 weeks..
2012-07-23 3:26 pm
Return the puppy to the person that bred it for another four weeks ..... you know ... the responsible breeder who has a breed mentor that shows her how to wean puppies onto solids from the mother's milk...
2012-07-23 3:10 pm
no milk is not the proper food for her why isn't her mother feeding her you need to take her to the vet to figure out if you can even save her
2012-07-23 3:09 pm
Get formula.

Also, you cannot take away a new puppy who is only 4 weeks old. Did you get her from a breeder? RETURN her immediately! This dog is going to have serious issues, like separation anxiety, social issues, etc!

Here is a recipe for formula you can use from: http://leerburg.com/bottlefeeding.htm?set=1

10 oz. of canned evaporated milk OR whle goat's milk (not pasteurized cow's milk - this will cause scowers - dogs cannot drink normal cow's milk. Dogs cannot drink 1%, 2%, Skim, or Whole milk.) Whole goat's milk is by far the best to use. Walmart sells both evaporated milk, whole goat's milk and evaporated goats milk. Make sure you are using EITHER evaporated milk OR whole goat's milk. Do NOT use sweetened condensed milk!

3 oz. sterilized water (baby water OR boiled water that is then cooled). This is NOT needed if using whole goat's milk.

1 raw egg yolk.

1 cup of plain yogurt (avoid skim or fat free if at all possible).

1/2 Tsp Karo Syrup or Corn Syrup (NOT HONEY!)

**If you cannot find Karo or Corn syrup where you live, you can do a Google search for “substitute for Karo syrup” and get some options. When I Googled “substitute for Karo syrup", here is what I came up with - 1 c Karo can be subbed with 1 c white sugar and 1/4 c hot water (Cook it to dissolve in the water best you can get it to. Depending on the recipe, if you need the sugar to be completely dissolved you might need to add a bit more water.)

Place ingredients in a blender and blend or use a wire whisk. Be careful to not over blend and create a milk shake full of bubbles and then tube bubbles into the puppy.

Keep cool and discard leftovers after 7 days.

Warm formula to body temperature (dogs are around 101 degrees). Discard any un-used formula. This is a thick mixture - use a stomach tube to tube feed or enlarge the hole in the nipple for easy access for the pup

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