Which is most used language in this world ?

2012-07-23 12:38 pm

回答 (19)

2012-07-26 12:48 pm
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2012-07-23 12:50 pm
50% of all internet websides are in English. The next language to come in this ranking is - surprisingly - German with 8%. Wikipedia holds 4 million English articles. Next one to follow: German with 1,43 million articles. Next one: French (1,27).

The biggest language as a mother tongue in Chinese

The internationally accepted global language is English as well.

The most learned languages in the world are: 1. English, 2. French, 3. German (again!)

The language into which the most books are translated from other languages is German. Germany also has the biggest book market in the world.

The language of the opera is Italian.

French (and to some degree English) is the official post language. French is also important in fashion.

In mosques throughout the world, the Quran is read in Arabic, in synagogues the Torah is read in Hebrew. Latin plays some role in Roman Catholic churches, while Hutterites, Mennonites and Amish attend church in German.

So choose an answer yourself (depending on what you mean with "most used")
2012-07-23 2:36 pm
The most spoken language in the world is Standard Mandarin Chinese followed by English and Spanish. Standard Mandarin is the official language of China.

The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, the working languages of the Security Council. The working languages at the UN Secretariat are English and French.
2016-11-01 3:37 pm
English is extremely mandatory like various different languages around the realm, although the clarification global people use english is because the global adjustments and about three hundred years in the past its all about Roman rulers which have the language like we've english to day and many years decrease back the panguages use earlier english replaced into Spanish which ruled quite some countries which incorporates ninety 9% of the Southern American area and later became an excellent spread language accross the Ameriacas. yet at present at present english took over the total languages and it´s no longer that english is the biggest language yet english is actuallly the language with the a lot less word and easy to comprehend language because it´s a language that replaced into taking from Latin,Roman and the French... So its all about another languages in english and maximum vocabularies in english is taking from the Greek language. after I lived in Greece I got here to comprehend that the Greek language is a dictionary to english, maximum words we use in english at present you would prefer to seek contained in the dictionary for the solutions are popular on the line and that made me to understand maximum words that typically you desire a dictionary for in english. desire my answer helped.
2012-07-25 9:42 am
Mandarin of course
China has the largest population in the world and the chinese speak mandarin
2012-07-23 7:39 pm
including bilinguals and foreign language learners
2012-07-23 12:48 pm
Definitely English is the most spoken language in the world at the moment.
2012-07-23 12:40 pm
Madarin Chinese is spoken by the most people in the world, but English is the most widely spoken language
2012-07-24 3:35 am
Of course Hindi. It is understood by over 2 billion people and actively used by about 1.5 billion. This is much larger than Mandarin.
2012-07-23 12:44 pm

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