What is your opinion of Ann Coulter?

2012-07-23 9:47 am

回答 (10)

2012-07-23 1:33 pm
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Probably the sexiest woman that has ever lived! I just wanna kiss her horsy face sooooo much!

I carry a pocket full of sugar cubes just in case I run into Ann Coulter.
2012-07-23 4:49 pm
2012-07-23 5:17 pm
To have an opinion of that person would entail my acknowledging said person. That being said, I try my best not to think of Coulter. Disregarding Coulter's existence makes my day happier
2012-07-23 4:54 pm
hateful vile woman, Limbaugh has alot of information but is also way out there in his dissemination methods, I don't pay attention to either of them
2012-07-23 4:49 pm
Its my opinion that Maggie Thatcher should call her and tell her she wants her balls back as she is pretty sure Ann stole them.
2012-07-23 4:59 pm
a great american
2012-07-23 4:50 pm
The same opinion that I have of Fox News, Limbaugh and Beck.

I do not watch or listen to any of them, so I have no opinion of them.

I do however find it amusing that liberals spend as much time as they do listening and watching them. Hell, come here on any given day and you will find liberals telling us what was on their shows.
2012-07-23 4:55 pm
The greatest censervative mind on the planet
2012-07-23 4:55 pm
She seems to make liberals act like 4 year olds doing the "pee pee" dance.
2012-07-23 4:52 pm
smarter and richer than anyone on this site, I am sure she lays awake at night worried about what this lot thinks

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