Q. PPL 對考入 CX 的幫助, 大約幾錢
A. 考 PPL 其實幫助並不會很大, 因為 PPL 學的也是很基本很基本的飛行知識,
但若果有閒錢, 有時間, 不坊去試試看, 很多人學完 PPL 便放棄做機師了 =)
價錢不等, 同埋要睇你有幾勤力, 美國就 4k US - 6k US ,
depends on 你要飛邊隻機同埋勤唔勤力讀書
***** don't think it's that cheap (4-6K US). also that's the course fee only, not including the accommodation/food/gas etc...for ~2-3mths
Q. 近視可否做飛機師
A. 你有近視而又想做飛機師的話, 只要你眼球健康正常,證明自己戴上眼鏡或隱形眼鏡後能夠完全矯正視力,就可以了, 當然也不能太誇張, 每家航空公司都會有不同的條例。至於激光矯視手術,這個會對夜間飛行做成一定的影響,所以大部分航空公司都不會錄取曾接受激光矯視的人。
這裡有更多關於眼的 info
***** That's FAA (USA) requirement only. If you want to become a pilot in HK, CAD requirements are to be met.
Q. 做飛機師數學要很強嗎?
A. maths 叻代表的有 logic 去諗野, 同埋你諗野轉數快
如果想做飛機師,可以係讀大學個時讀aviation 或者報考航空公司嘅cadet pilot...亦可以係HKACC(Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps)考AAEP,8科合格有機會被提拔!你亦可以選墿去外國讀PPL,欏張證書!要大學畢業(好似要係讀本地大學),報考做做機師之前自己要先學飛,加入香港飛行總會,有40小時實質飛行,其中必須有10小時為單獨飛行。
***** depending on what kind of pilot you are talking about. Having a PPL means you are a pilot already! If you want to join the airline in HK, a degree in aviation won't help much!
最重要:去左做檢查先啦 check下隻眼 睇下做唔做得 如果唔做得 讀黎都曬氣
**** Not only the eye, but you need to meet the Class 1 or Class 2 medical, depending on the licence you are pursuing.