
2012-07-24 1:46 am
1)the marked prices of a television model in shop a and shop b are $5400 and $4800 respectively. shop a offers a 20% discount on the model. if shop b wants to have the same selling price as shop a , what discount shouli it offer.

2)if we sell a wallet at 30% off, it is $72 cheaper than we sell it at 10% off. what is the marked price of the wallet?


回答 (3)

2012-07-27 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 商店a和b的一款電視模型的標價分別是$5400和$4800。商店a現在提供八折優惠。假如商店b的電視模型的售價要和商店a的電視模型的售價一致,請問商店b應該提供多少折扣優惠?
2) 假如我們以分別以九折和七折售出一個錢包,售價將會相差$72。請問這個錢包的標價是多少?
參考: me
2012-08-02 6:26 am
1) 在A商店標售的電視機與B商店標售的分別售價,前者為$5,400 而後者則為$4,800. 假設A商店要將該電視機的標價減價至八折,那麼B商店想要用相同的價格出售其電視機時,應該選擇甚麼折扣呢?
2) 假設我們標價的錢包有七折優惠,而其售價比較九折時的售價便宜了$72.那麼該錢包的標價應值得多少?
2012-07-24 2:31 am

參考: myself.

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