
2012-07-23 10:34 pm


回答 (5)

2012-07-27 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to reserve (預訂) a table for 2 (2人枱) at Sirocco (restaurant) on Aug 25, 2012.
Me and my girlfriend (boyfriend/mom/dad/whosoever) will be there at around 10:30pm. It would be awesome (好極) if you could arrange (安排) a singer to sing the birthday song and a cake with "Happy Birthday" written on top delivered (遞送) at 12:00am sharp (正).
If i cannot complete (完成) my request (要求) via (透過) email, please direct (指引) me to the appropriate (恰當的) person. Thanks.

2012-08-03 9:17 am
有兩個話 "seat for 2" ﹐ 即係想兩人坐一張凳 ?
中文我地叫訂位﹐ 英文應叫訂檯。
2012-07-24 1:33 am
I would like to book (a seat for 2) at restaurant sirocco on Aug 25 (sat) 22:30.
Hoping to arrange a singer singing a birthday song at 00:00 (m.n.) to give (somebody) a birthday cake with words "Happy birthday".
Can I use email to do all the booking formality?
If not where should I do it?
2012-07-24 1:07 am
I would like to book Sirocco Restaurant for 2 seats in 25 August,2012,2:30pm. Also, I hope that there is a singer can sing birthday song at 12:00am. The words "Happy Birthday" can be wrote on the birthday cake. Can all of booking procedures done by E-mail? If not, what should I do?

PS: 大部份既餐廳e-mail就得嫁啦:)
2012-07-23 10:58 pm
I want to book a seat for 2 people at your restaurant sirocco at twenty-fifth of August in half past ten pm.
I hope a singer can sing a birthday song and give (人名) a birthday cake with words: happy birthday.
Can i use e-mail to do the booking formalities?
If not, what should I do?
參考: Me

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