subject-verb agreement

2012-07-23 8:11 pm
1. a pair of sock 之後個verb 係is
咁 2 pairs of sock 係咪 are 
2 bunches of flower 呢??

2. a body of volunteers (has/have ) been organized to help the poor in Indoonesi

回答 (4)

2012-07-23 11:41 pm
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a pair of socks的數量在實物上是兩隻但按組合上是一個單位,所以是看成單數的。
two pairs of...的單位是pair(雙/對),而有兩個單位的組合,所以看成是眾數。a bunch/bundle(一扎/一包) of...東西=單數
bunches/bundles of...東西=眾數

a school of fish [fish是眾數意思] = 單數(一羣魚)
schools of fish = 眾數(多羣魚)

a herd of "animals" = 單數 (一羣動物)
herds of "animals" = 眾數 (多羣動物)

推至a body (group) of volunteers (people/men/women/children,etc) = 一(組)羣的人 = 單數。has是對的。
2012-07-30 10:26 pm
Collective nouns are singular when we think of them as groups and plural when we think of the individuals acting within the whole (which happens sometimes, but not often).

e.g. A pair of soldiers were standing guard at the entrance.
2012-07-28 6:43 pm
A pair of socks is …
Two pairs of socks are …
A bunch of flowers is ….
Two bunches of flowers are ….
A body of volunteers has ….

Pair, bunch and body are collective nouns.
2012-07-23 8:22 pm
1. a pair of socks 先正確, 本身你都錯了, a piece of sock 先係一隻袜用 is
無論 a pair / two pairs 都係用are

a bunch of flowers 用 are, 因為 flower 係 countable (可數)
a bunch 一束點都多過一支
所以 X bunches of flowers (記得flower 要加 s) 都係用 are

2. 同樣道理, volunteers 係人, a body of 即係一組/ 多過一個人,
自然要用 have
參考: myself

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