What quality in a person makes other people want to spend time with them?

2012-07-22 2:19 pm

回答 (5)

2012-07-22 4:04 pm
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Maturity and lack of self-centeredness. Being able and willing to listen to the other person's problems and concerns.
2012-07-22 3:54 pm
Being mature and independent.
2012-07-22 2:35 pm
The ability to listen, smile and refrain from rendering judgments and criticism. Having a genuine friendly personality. Happy begets happy!
2012-07-22 2:31 pm
a person's positivity ,happiness,problem solving skills etc. attracts other and makes other to spend more time with them
2012-07-22 2:21 pm
Energy, the more energy a person has, the more I wanna be around them

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