
2012-07-23 2:08 am
可否幫我改一篇簡單的英文作文?我想知道自己錯D咩. THX~

My goal in life
Goal is very important for everyone. Because the goal can gives us direction and stability of life. If we not having a goal we can only linger at the crossroads of life, so I think everyone can not without a goal.

For me, being a stage actress has been my goal for a long time. It is a challenge and professional job. when I watched each drama on the stage , I can feel so amazing and successful. Because ever actor and actress can perform the drama successfully and easy to lead audience understand what meaning is. Besides, I think being a actress can gives pleasure with the audience that it is one of reason why I want to be a actress too.

回答 (2)

2012-07-26 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
My goal in life
Goals are important for everyone. Goals give us directions in life. Without a goal, we linger at crossroads of life. No one can live without a goal.

Being a stage actress has been my goal for a long time. It is a challenge and a profession. Every drama on stage I watched is amazing (and successful). Every actor and actress can lead the audience into understanding the meaning behind the drama. Actors and actresses can bring joy to the audience. These are why becoming an actress is the goal of my life.

Grammar 層面
1)Goal ->goals, 所有目標如是。
2)"because" omitted: 少以because開首。
3)不明stability 的意思, 文章亦無解釋,索性唔要
4) "If we not having a goal..." 冇左個verb
If we do not have a goal/ any goals, we can only linger at the crossroads of life.
5)"...so i think everyone can not without a goal" 冇左個verb,
So i think everyone cannot live without a goal./ No one can live without a goal/ Everyone should have a goal.
6) "For me" 多餘
7) "I can feel so amazing and successful"
amazing 同successful 都唔係形容緊你個feeling,你想形容套drama。
8)"Every actor and actress can (...) easy to lead audience understand what meaning is"
It is easy for every actor and actress to....
to lead THE audience....
to lead the audience into understanding sth
to lead the audience into understanding what THE meaning of the drama is
9) a actress ->an actress
10)can gives -> can give
11)give sth with sb -> give sth to sb
12) I think being an actress can give pleasure to the audience AND that is ....
/ ... give pleasure to the audience, WHICH IS why....
13) one of the reason ->one of the reasons
14)....is the reason why (多餘) -> ... is why I want to be an actress.
15) 連接詞0係文中冇特別作用; 改得唔係特別靚, 但起馬減走多餘ge成份,#2幾個point 叫做整理左。
2012-07-25 9:00 pm
My goal

Goal is very important for everyone because it gives us direction and the purpose of life. If we do not have a goal, we can only linger at the crossroads of life. Therefore, I do not think everyone can life without a goal.

For me, being a stage actress has been my gaol since I was a child. It is a challenging and professional job. Every single time, when I watch the performers who act lifely and beautifully on stage, I can feel how amazing and successful they are. It is because they lead the audience into the story and make them experience what the characters experience. Moreover, I think being an actress can entertain the audience which is one of the reasons why I want to be an actress too.

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