3 indefinite integration Qs

2012-07-23 12:20 am

回答 (3)

2012-07-23 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
I've finished. Just a minute of typing.

2012-07-22 19:33:54 補充:
Please refer to:

2012-07-22 20:29:46 補充:
I use LaTeX environment.
MikTeX (Compiler) + WinShell (IDE) + mpedit (not used here)

2012-07-23 11:39:18 補充:
It should be AF=75sec40
so theta=17.4 dg.

4Questions --> is that too many?

2012-07-23 12:00:58 補充:
If you checked carefully, you see the question says (v,t)=(12,0)

2012-07-23 12:01:45 補充:
After all, it is tiring typing codes like:

Put $(v,t)=(0,12)$ into $v=3\sqrt{\ds 16-s^2}$, $s=0$. Hence
Then $s=4\sin 3t$. \\ \\

in LaTeX without visualizing the result of codes
參考: Typeset with LaTeX
2012-07-23 3:06 am
I mean the additional Q is not under the topic of "integration".
Sorry for typo!

2012-07-23 11:59:52 補充:
v = 3√(16 - s²)
Given when t=0, v = 12
Therefore, when t = 0,
12 = 3√(16 - s²)
4² = 16 - s²
s² = 0
s = 0
2012-07-23 2:35 am
What do you mean by "not 'interation' " ?

2012-07-22 20:28:30 補充:
To 石石:
What software do you use?

2012-07-22 20:34:28 補充:
It seems there's something wrong with your answer...

2012-07-23 11:50:45 補充:
I want to ask, in Q52,
3√(16 - s²) = 0 ⇒ s = 0 ????
s should be 4...

2012-07-23 12:14:46 補充:

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