
2012-07-22 2:59 am


  肇事地點為丹佛郊區奧羅拉的Century 16戲院,當時戲院播映新片《蝙蝠俠:夜神起義》的首映,電影播放三十分鐘後發生槍擊案,警方則約在當地時間星期五凌晨十二時三十九分收到報案。




  另一名目擊者喬丹當時在另一間院廳看電影,她稱聽到一些像放爆竹的響聲,之後有觀眾逃到她的院廳,大喊有人開槍。喬丹表示有些受傷的兒童躲避到她的院廳,她看到一名女童臉頰中槍。之後,警方趕到下令所有觀眾離開,她看到警員抱着和拖 屍體。

  警方收到報案後,調派區內所有警員及大批醫護和拯救人員到場,封鎖現場一帶,醫院均收到「重大傷亡警報」。醫院表示,十人當場死亡,另有兩人送院後不治。全部傷者受槍傷,最少兩名傷者情況嚴重,傷者中有一名嬰兒和一名六歲兒童。 警方展開大規模搜捕,在戲院後面停車場的一輛汽車附近,拘捕二十四歲的疑兇霍姆斯(James Holmes),並在汽車找到「防毒面具、步槍、手槍和另外一件武器」。



回答 (4)

2012-07-23 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is the implant of bio-chips.

Please refer to the part of that message shown below.

"...When we have learned how this evil government through the C.I.A. has
programmed people young and old to do evil things being programmed to
so as the young people at Columbine High School were programmed by the
government in a program which was, "Call, Kill, and Suicide" at which
these young did kill their fellow students and a teacher, then
committed suicide just as commanded by the government people. so now
we see so many killed by taser-carrying policemen programmed to do so.
When they put biochip implants, they can control persons to instruct
them to do whatever these evil government people that want them to do.
It's a fearful thing to be picked up by the police when you're alone.
They can do what evil they are given to do to you on the road and more
so in a jail cell, and have no witness to tell what they have dofne,
( a )http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TwoOliveTrees/message/2890

And ( b )http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TwoOliveTrees/message/2997

( Messages of God's Servant Prophet Elijah ( Malachi 4:4-6 )are on the internet at:


Don't forget there were a number of similar shooting incidents happened across America in the past , for example, (1)Columbine high school massacre (2)Virginia tech massacre & (3)Oikos University Shooting Oakland California (April 2, 2012) etc. I do believe there is a conspiracy behind the scene just like that of 9-11 Attack. Concerning such shooting incidents,I think we should not easily accept the media/ official news report which describes the personality/background of those gunmen.

2012-07-22 18:08:02 補充:
I consider it is a false flag again!!!!
2012-07-22 10:29 pm
槍擊案剪報感想.尾角老應該收斂檢討下做到"正己心修身業德", 笑人者人亦笑之其身不正.
2012-07-22 8:35 am
3 1 2
1 9 7 6

2012-07-22 00:37:21 補充:
Zi You Xuan Wen Ti Suo Ren Qu Pian Ou Na Mei Li Ke Ju He Guo Fa Er Ding Ce Ben An 852
參考: 334奉書生23基本法(852), Dicionario Use 23 Basic Answer Bi Xin Hua Zi Dian 2012
2012-07-22 7:40 am
國文教育又多一個counter example,可止悲痛,簡直悲哀﹗

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