Can we carry on like this, or is there some catastrophe waiting?

2012-07-20 11:00 am

回答 (9)

2012-07-20 12:54 pm
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If you're on about the UK economy - you ain't seen Jack sh!t yet.

You've got Banks who, having been bailed out by loans from the British taxpayer, steadfastly refuse to reciprocate that cosy arrangement by lending to most small businesses and the general Public.

You've got mass economic immigration, with most jobs going to those immigrants, whilst 2.5 million are registered unemployed (and that's just the tip of the iceberg).

You've got the majority of created jobs being of the part-time variety, paying the minimum wage and requiring benefit top ups to supply enough to survive on.

And on top of all that you've got a Government that, despite all the cutbacks, is still having to borrow money every month to make ends meet. Figures out today show total revenue for June at £41 billion - whilst the Government spent just over £52 billion, with the shortfall being borrowed.

National Debt cracked the £1 trillion barrier a few months ago - and it's still increasing. The UK now spends more on debt interest than it does on the Military or Education.

It may not end up as a catastophe - but this country has got a long way to go and a lot more to suffer, before the books balance.
2012-07-20 11:01 am
Progressive Liberalism and Socialism always ends in catastrophe.
2012-07-20 11:06 am
Other than the Civil War I wager that America has never been so divided, thanks to the democrats.

Obama pledged to unite America for hope and change, but this is what we got:

-“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
-“Get in Their Faces!”
-“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
-“Hit Back Twice As Hard”
-”We talk to these folks… so I know whose *** to kick.”
-“hand to hand combat”
-“It’s time to Fight for it.”
-“Punish your enemies.”
-“I’m itching for a fight.”
-"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for a ride, but they gotta sit in back."
(To verify just google search the quote itself and you’ll see that most of them are even on video)

All of them -- OWS mobs, Obama, Bill Maher, Christ Matthews, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Clintons,Carter -- make a career of fomenting hate and intolerance between any identifiable groups of people. It’s a compulsion with them:

-women against men
-union members against non-union members
-rich against poor
-government education against home-schooling
-middle class against wealthy
-green energy against fossil fuels
-non-Wall St. against Wall St.
-blacks against whites
-Hispanics against whites
-legal immigration against illegal immigration
-Muslims against Christians
-skinny against fat
-welfare types against those who give them the welfare
-income tax payers against those who pay nothing
-pro-quotas for minorities against equal rights for all
-government union teachers against private teachers
-foreign oil against oil independence
-government workers against private sector workers
-smart against not-so-smart
2012-07-20 12:32 pm
A near-catastrophe is already here in the UK, where I live with my English wife. The big problem is that MPs are not sufficiently intelligent, experienced in real-world business, or strong-willed enough to resist the party line, all at a time when every party line is behind the times and dangerously wrong.

Select committee after select committee has, in the past year, shown MPs desperate not to reveal the truth, but to score (usually childish) points that will make the news, and shown them, too, using their position of Parliamentary privilege to insult and bully people who have no choice but to appear before them. One man even insisted someone answer him 'yes or no' when doing so simply produced support for the questioner's entrenched view, a view arrived at before all the evidence had been heard. Long before that particular committee hearing similar behavior led to my feeling sorry for the Murdochs!

Nothing has so convinced me of the poorness of the current batch of MPs as their performance in these committees. One can only assume they bring the same lack of sense and ability to matters before them in the House. It's a terrifying thought.

The underlying problem, presumably, is that decent, intelligent men and women do not wish to become MPs. And don't.

The US appears to be in pretty much the same boat. What sort of people are our senators and representatives? The Republican Party has never been so extreme and the Democrats never so indecisive.

Chaos beckons.
參考: Seeing, hearing, and thinking at some length.
2012-07-20 6:26 pm
I'm a great believer that nature will triumph over mankinds follies.
2012-07-20 12:11 pm
You two arguing again?
2012-07-20 11:24 am
It's already brewing. You are watching it begin to explode again in western Asia. Hordes of overpopulating excess labor there and all the way east from there are flooding the labor market and driving wages down to starvation levels while straining resources. Overpopulating Latin Americans have been and now Africans are flooding the labor market too.

The same happened a century ago but the Euro-cultures did it to themselves, led by the Irish and followed by Poles, Italians, and others. They crashed western economy here and forced two world wars of conquest for the land and resources expanding hordes must have.
參考: For decades I studied philosophies, cultures, and social institutions. I began that because of confusion resulting from my military experience under the shadow of neo-Marxist anti-military and anti-capitalism indoctrination in the universities. I continue a forty year quest wading through the huge pile of stinking crap a wide variety of bigots piled on top of truth hiding it from nearly everyone's view. The pile was made by blaming people they don't like while excusing people they do like regardless of where the fault really lies.
2012-07-20 11:02 am
There is going to be a zombie apocalypse! just sayin'
2012-07-20 12:09 pm
Everyone has their theories, no matter which country they happen to live in, but they are all just theories, dwelling and prophesying about what may or may not happen in the future. Your question is somewhat vague, given the current situations around the world and the myriad of subjects that could be covered by this one question. For example, you could be talking about pollution, personal debt, conceiving children, spending, alcohol abuse, drug abuse or any number of subjects could be covered by your question. Looking at the overall picture, there may well be a catastrophe waiting just around the corner, but remember that a catastrophe for one man is an opportunity for someone else.

If you are talking about government and how the government is governing the country, then you have to realise that no man or woman actually runs the country single handed. Therefore to blame Obama for all the ills of America is a generalisation too far. It is always easy to blame an individual currently in office, when in fact the seeds of doom were planted long before Obama entered the White House.

The catastrophe as I see it is not so much the President of the United States, but the incessant greed and intolerance of the Republican right wing who arrogantly refuse to bend with the wind. Capitalist greed has caused the worst recession since the 1930's while making the rich a great deal richer. The greed culture has never been so vile as it is today. Nobody does anything for anyone, unless there is a huge rip off profit in it. Robbing the poorest by charging extortionate prices for basic essentials is not profit, it is robbery. That is the sad fact that is causing near catastrophe in the world today, but not everyone sees it that way unfortunately.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:35:11
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