A company annual report ended on 31/12/2011.
The company has been holding a note of $1000000 that pays 10% interest on 30/6 each year since 1/7/2010. The accountant of the company recoreded the interest income on the day when interest was received.
Auditor discover the mistake on 12/2/2012
Tax rate 30%
profit before income tax : 2011>> 5000, 2010>>4000
after correcting the account error is it :
profit before income tax : 2011>> 5000 + 50000, 2010>>4000+50000 ???
note of $1000000x10% /2 =50000=interest income
但點解我老師係咁做: 2011>> 5000 , 2010>>4000+50000
老師錯了 ??