✔ 最佳答案
After the meeting yesterday, we would want to get your confirmations and prepartion of the following. Please follow up:
1. For the registration of letters, we would suggest using barcode, not folio, to handle the registered letters, because it would be safer. Please confirm.
2. After the meeting, we have understood your requirements in the interface. Absolutely, we would be willing to follow up cooperatively, but some of the requirements might be unable to be handled. Please understand our difficulties.
3. We would want to get your expected sample(s) for layout and please provide it(them). After we received the sample(s), we would inform you about which part(s) of the sample(s) would be ready to be produced, and which part(s) of the sample(s) with difficulty in production.
4. Please confirm that whether you would use the current temporary version, or after modification, you would begin using the modified version.
5. In addition, we would provide you with a list of prepartion. Please prepare according to the list for the purpose of system installation.
follow up:更進。handle:處理。interface:界面。willing to:樂意。cooperatively:配合地。difficulty:困難。with difficulty:有困難地。modification:更改。modified:已更改的。according to:根據。purpose:用途。上述解答裡在括號裡的是相關詞彙在作為複數(plural)時的選擇,請依據需時而選擇。