✔ 最佳答案
1)How did the writer introduce the subject?
答:)The writer introduce the topic in this book are ordinary things that happen in everyday. 這條我相信你答錯題。問題是作者如何(how)介紹主題,不是作者介紹甚麼(what)主題。假如你的回答ordinary things happens是作者的方式,文法仍是錯:問題是did?(past tense)回答亦應該用past tense [實際原因是你寫這答案時必定是已經看過/完了那本書才會的,所以就算沒有問題,例如寫讀書報告記述書中內容等都應是用past tense. The writer introduced the topic/subject by describing ordinary things that happened everyday.
2)What were the problems discussed in the book?
答:)The problems discussed in the book is Hong Kong culture.
同上tense 錯了。The problems discussed in the book were the Hong Kong culture.
3)What were the key points?
答:)The key points is make a good impression at dinner.
同上tense錯了。唔係好明「晚餐時令人有好印象」為何是這書的重點?The key points were making a good impression at dinner.
4)What do you like/dislike about the book?Why? 問你的句是用現在式,回答便用現在式啦。原因跟前面的問題tense不同是因為這題是問你對本書的看法,即是看完書後現在的想法,雖然你看書時想到的過去,但由於你回答的「意見」原則上是不會隨時間變的,這種不變的評語(東西)英語便用現在式表示的。
5)我要為呢本書比comments,開頭應該点寫? I think “the book” is ….開始寫的意見(形容詞)…,然後深入選出三兩個編排或重點或手法的寫法和內容作出意見(形容詞)…,最後依照你的評語說出你覺得如何可以寫得更好或更精彩…,又或你讚賞作者的寫法和技巧又或是內容的貼切和認同感(形容詞)…,最後總結整體而言你看完本書的感覺或對你的影響。