Venus trine Venus in synastry?

2012-07-19 9:32 am
just curious and eager to hear about any personal experiences with this aspect. I share this aspect with a friend and we can't help talking about the other's looks, likes, and how we liked each other a few years ago.

回答 (2)

2012-07-21 4:50 am
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a pleasant friendship, certainly, but if someone is looking for romance, venus in good aspect in synastry won't create desire. There's no challenge or conflict, such as comes with venus aspects to mars, jupiter, sun or even mercury or saturn. I generally feel that too many "good" aspects don't really make a good relationship anyway; that the best relationships are based on a few important compatible interests and a willingness to allow another their freedom in areas which are incompatible. If the wife isn't interested in cars, that's OK as long as she doesn't interfere with the hubby's tinkering in the garage, and if she likes scrapbooking with her friends he shouldn't expect her to stay home every third Friday night......
參考: many years drawing charts......
2012-07-19 8:26 pm
Venus trine Venus:
These aspects help boost your overall compatibility, as your styles with regards to expressing love and affection are similar, or at least you appreciate how one another expresses love. This basic understanding goes a long way towards enhancing cooperation. You tend to appreciate how one another dresses, decorates, handles money, and socializes as well. Similar tastes and values are present, helping decision-making skills as a couple. This also suggests that you tend to cooperate with one another on a basic level, and creating harmony between the two of you is one of your priorities. For the most part, you feel at ease in one another's company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:04:46
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