急 英文改錯

2012-07-19 9:30 pm
While I was working in my office yesterday,my cousin stops by to visit me.

Yuki staied home because she catched a bad cold.

Did you spoke English before you were come here?

Yesterday,while I was working at my computer,Shelley was suddenly coming into the room.I wasn't knowing she was there.I was concentrate hard on my work.When she suddenly speak,I am jump.She startle me.

My brother is looks like our father,but I am resembling my mother.

While I was surfing the internet yesterday,I was finding a really interesting Web site.

回答 (3)

2012-07-19 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

While I was working in my office yesterday, my cousin stopped by to visit me.

Yuki stayed home because she caught a bad cold.

Did you speak English before you were come here?

Yesterday, while I was working at my computer, Shelley was suddenly coming into the room. I didn't know she was there. I was concentrate hard on my work. When she suddenly spoke, I [] jumped. She startled me.

My brother [] looks like our father, but I [] resemble my mother.

While I was surfing the internet yesterday, I found a really interesting Web site.
2012-07-19 10:44 pm
While I was working in my office yesterday.My cousin stops by visit me.

Yuki stayed home because she has a bad cold.

Did you speak English before you are come here?

Yesterday,I was working at my computer room.Shelley was came into the room. I didn't know she is there.I was concentrate hard on my work.When she speak,I was jump up.She scare me.

My brother is looks like our father,but I am resembling my mother.

While I was surfing the internet yesterday.I was finding a really interting Website.

s.p.:I hope I can help you!^_^

2012-07-19 14:48:00 補充:
While I was surfing the internet yesterday.I was found a really interting Website.
2012-07-19 10:02 pm
While I was at work yesterday in my office, my cousin stops by and visit me.

Yuki stayed at home because she caught a bad cold.

have you acknowledge English before you came here?

Yesterday,while I was on my computer, Shelley suddenly came into my room.
but I didn't notice her there, because I was concentrating on my work.
When she suddenly speak, it had startled me.

My brother looks like our father, but I am resembling with my mother.

While I was surfing on the internet yesterday, I found a really interesting Website.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:02:23
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