
2012-07-19 6:24 pm

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2012-07-19 6:34 pm
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英文沒有武俠的說法,wuxia 音譯己被Oxford Dictionary of English, Third Edition (2010) 所收錄:

wuxia /wu:'ʃɑ:/
noun [mass noun] [often as modifier]
a genre of Chinese fiction or cinema featuring itinerant warriors of ancient China, often depicted as capable of superhuman feats of martial arts.
─ ORIGIN Chinese, from wŭ ‘military’ + xiá ‘knight errant’

2012-07-19 10:39:27 補充:
Martial arts是武術,不是武俠
2012-07-19 9:42 pm
Lone ranger
2012-07-19 7:35 pm
武俠是中華文化的特色之一, 在西方文學沒有確切對應的詞語
音譯為wuxia是很土氣與不得已的, 西洋人無法望字生義.
(人) chivalrous experts; chivalrous people of martial feats
(領域) chivalry; chivalric martial arts
這樣翻譯雖不完全相符, 但西方人能有較接近的理解.
2012-07-19 6:54 pm
"武俠" 的英文就是 wuxia

The New Oxford American Dictionary, Second Edition (2005) 就已經收錄了 wuxia,這本 5 年前的《新牛津美語詞典》,應可算是第一本收錄 wuxia、正式出版的英文詞典了。

有了牛津詞典的加持,wuxia 算是已經登堂入室,正式成為英文詞彙的一員了。將來 "武俠" 的英文,逕可大方使用 wuxia。當然,在文章內做適時而簡短的解釋還是必要的,以免對武俠文類毫無所悉的外籍人士讀了之後不知所云。

以下為 Oxford Dictionary of English, Third Edition (2010) 所收錄的 wuxia:

wuxia /wu:'ʃɑ:/ noun [mass noun] [often as modifier]
a genre of Chinese fiction or cinema featuring itinerant warriors of ancient China, often depicted as capable of superhuman feats of martial arts.
─ ORIGIN Chinese, from wŭ ‘military’ + xiá ‘knight errant’

以下 例句為 Oxford Dictionaries Online 額外收錄。
1. We're looking now at the globalization of wuxia with the success of Crouching Tiger (臥虎藏龍).

2. Jen is neither a typical villain nor a persona of heroic proportions in the conventional sense of chivalry inherent in the notion of wuxia.

3. Like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (臥虎藏龍), Hero (英雄) carries on the wuxia tradition of featuring strong female characters.

4. Quite by accident, my friend had some wuxia novels imported from Hong Kong.

5. He has turned wuxia into something utterly exquisite.

6. You can't do a wuxia film without having a tavern fight.

7. The film is also an absolutely breathtaking visual feast, surpassing anything that has been achieved with wuxia films.

8. The Elimination Pursuit (三大名捕會京師) is a lesser-known wuxia that probably should have stayed lesser-known.

9. I think Ang's (李安) relationship to wuxia is much more literary than it is filmic, in some ways.

10. I'd be a fool if I wasted words savaging wuxia for not being high art.
2012-07-19 6:37 pm
武俠Martial arts

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